River of LifeSignature Story-Telling for Business Professionals

Choosing and rehearsing personal ‘signature’ stories for use in a business context is an important aspect of presentation work.
River of Life teaches the art of inspirational presentation through storytelling. Effective leaders need to be able to inspire and motivate. There are times when storytelling is the most effective and efficient way of making a point or confronting a difficult situation. Participants learn how to construct a succinct and powerful story and master the skills necessary for delivering appropriate and compelling messages.



Personal Presence – Voice & Communication Skills For Business Professionals

Based upon the actor’s discipline of effective, engaging, and heightened communication, this workshop, focuses on the person as a communicator, addressing voice, body, heart, spirit, imagination, and emotion. Participants develop their natural ability to express feeling, inspire others, and build trust among teams.
Participants learn powerful language, active listening, how to give and receive feedback, empathy towards others and presentation skills. Through the programme, effective communication and compelling dialogue become intrinsic life skills.



The workshops will take place at the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart,  Chateau de Malerargues, Thoiras, France.
For more info please consult the CAIRH website: www.roy-hart-theatre.com/site/en/workshops